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The trends clearly suggest that number of students graduating high school is shooting up. Most of the high school graduates are not college ready. At Efiie, we assist our clients in being more competition ready. With our extensive research and network, it allows them to have an advantage base on colleges/universities admission processes.

Here at Efiie, we believe that every student is uniquely capable and if matched to the correct environment based on their needs for learning, that student can excel. We go in depth with our assessments to learn what those needs are. Our clients get an expert who is side by side with them every step of the way, during the application procedure.
Our application positioning shows them in proper light among the students and highlights their capabilities and gives them a better chance to get selected.

Here are just some of what we help you achieve:

Show students how to maximize their credentials
Encourage and empower students
Provide a strategic understanding of the college admissions process
Promote a collaborative process among ourselves, students and their parents
Help students manage the application process
Provide students with a competitive edge
Ask the right questions and we listen to students and their parents
Help families plan pragmatically
Preserve the parent-child relationship during a critical transitional time
Help make the college search process less stressful
Tailor our services to individual students and their families
Retain perspective
Give help and guidance without imposing biases
Assist students in learning how to make an important life decision
Provide an outsider’s objective view on your family’s college investment
Help you make informed decisions
Start to end service for admission process
No missing of deadlines
Application positioning the best way to achieve desired results
Application for financial aid/ scholarship

Click here to schedule your free 30 mins Admission Package Assessment and find out which Tutoring Options will best help you improve your grade!


Efiie continues to be a global education consulting firm. Choose an office nearest you tocontact us.